[Music],well they've better doll masks off and,as per usual I probably overdid it but I,am pretty sure now that we'll be able to,spray at a 45 degree angle down not,catch the deck and yet catch all the,little edges and as I'm speaking to you,right now,yesterday's episode number 155 is still,being processed by YouTube in other,words it's afternoon sort of,mid-afternoon I guess you'd say,and I've already previewed episode 155,to make sure everything was okay and I,was realizing that I said something that,wasn't a hundred percent true,in fact I don't think it's true at all I,was being paranoid about something that,I probably didn't need to be and when we,take this apart to clean it we'll talk,about that and if I forget to talk about,it remind me yeah I'm pretty sure that,most of you have already figured out,that each one of these episodes is made,the late afternoon of the day before as,well as the morning of the day the works,are best ...
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