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[Music],well they've better doll masks off and,as per usual I probably overdid it but I,am pretty sure now that we'll be able to,spray at a 45 degree angle down not,catch the deck and yet catch all the,little edges and as I'm speaking to you,right now,yesterday's episode number 155 is still,being processed by YouTube in other,words it's afternoon sort of,mid-afternoon I guess you'd say,and I've already previewed episode 155,to make sure everything was okay and I,was realizing that I said something that,wasn't a hundred percent true,in fact I don't think it's true at all I,was being paranoid about something that,I probably didn't need to be and when we,take this apart to clean it we'll talk,about that and if I forget to talk about,it remind me yeah I'm pretty sure that,most of you have already figured out,that each one of these episodes is made,the late afternoon of the day before as,well as the morning of the day the works,are best for me I'll sometimes work away,at it till Oh as late as maybe 9:00 in,the evening I just do a little and then,go do something else and then I'll do a,little more on the episode and do it and,then do something else you know it's,it's the way it goes,we have very little paint to waste here,I don't want to be picking up any chunks,but you never know,that's probably all there is,that paint does not look too healthy,noticing on their inside of the pipette,there it looks kind of I don't know when,I tried it's probably not the best paint,that's for sure to use to trying this,thing out for the first time we'll see,what happens here let's get the fan go,on,and the pressures at above 13 bones,[Music],and increase the pressure,[Music],that was 20 pounds I got a feeling a,very plug the nozzle,[Music],that's 30 pounds,go back down to 20,alright I'm gonna clean up the airbrush,I'm gonna get some different paint,[Music],yeah this won't spray at 20,we're back up to 30,[Music],that's not very thick,[Music],I'm going to save this in case I have to,brush it on,now this trick that I'm using right now,Tony recommended this and I have found,that it really saves a lot on the on,your cleaning solution and it's getting,pretty clear I'll just do it one more,time probably don't need to but,now this is isopropyl isopropyl 70%,okay,I'm just gonna get the thick stuff off,and I like to track it and try and make,this last as long as I can all right so,here's what I do I'm gonna loosen this,very gently okay pull this back just a,little I'm going to take this cap off,very very gently so nothing gets twisted,okay,each time I do this I try to turn the,needle just a little bit so I'm wiping a,fresh air each time and off and that's a,that's probably pretty clean except for,where I'm touching it be very careful I,don't accidentally bend it this is clean,by the way this this thing I've a cubed,it out okay and when I brought when I,put the airbrush down inside there I'm,always very careful that I'm not,accidentally dropping it on top of the,nozzle the nozzle always seems to go to,one side,I was hard on the ears,now I probably I usually do that three,or four times what you just saw me do,now the inside of the nozzle here I've,actually cleaned it out a little bit,it's for the lack of a better expression,that was kind of sludgy in there in fact,it's probably the worst I've ever seen,so I am convinced that I was getting you,know lumps of paint down in there and I,wondered didn't want to spray yeah I,guess that Jarrah painters had its day,so okay,I think the isopropyl baths got it,pretty good what I'm doing now is I'm,putting it in the first bath of this,stuff here as I mentioned before I do do,what I feel is a pretty good job of,cleaning everything up however I'm not,gonna worry about painting the the,superstructure part gray anymore I'm,just gonna concern myself with getting,this thing going but right now what's,going on for eight o'clock in the,evening and as I mentioned before or,yeah so I'm just gonna clean this up and,that work at it again tomorrow put all,the parts at least the nozzle parts in,the final solution of this stuff and,just gonna let them soak overnight,in all the many many times that I have,taken this airbrush apart this is,probably only the fourth time that I've,completely disassembled it now it's not,completely disassembled I didn't take,the air valve out of here and this this,air valve is very similar to the air,valve that's in your car now you're,probably seeing this little lens here,and you're thinking you push on that too,to open the valve no it works the other,way this little piece right here it goes,down into a sleeve and then pushes down,on the valve and opens it and the reason,I don't do this is because it's,difficult to get this little part into,that little hole sometimes it look good,and sometimes it won't so I avoid doing,it at all cost however the reason that I,have taken this apart is because some of,the information I gave you in excuse me,and yesterday's video was not too,accurate I was talking about how I would,have to be careful to make sure that I,have this piece here screwed all the way,in tight well that wasn't true and I'm,gonna try and reassemble everything and,show you why you know what else can I,tell you about this this this part here,is a little quick connected that's an,aftermarket thing the air of the,airbrush does not come with that and,what happens is the idea is so that you,can screw this onto your airbrush and,then of course this piece here can be,just you know quickly put on this this,part here has a little valve in it goes,on the end of your air hose anyway,what that's going to tell you what this,it didn't tell you that the nozzle parts,are all still in the solution now the,purpose of this segment is not to show,you how to put together and I water,it is simply I want to tell you where I,went wrong about this piece here now I,guess I could have shown you putting,this little main lever in place here it,actually went pretty good this time you,notice when you press down on it it,opens the valve okay,now this piece is gonna go in here and,try not to get my hands in the way okay,goes in here the spring goes on here,now this is where I went wrong yesterday,I had thought that yet I had to have,this screwed up all the way in order,that it doesn't accidentally force the,needle into the nozzle and enlarge the,hole however that has nothing to do with,it it doesn't matter,great great now this is gonna stay in,the same position regardless of where,this part is in other words one sec once,I put the chucking nut on there and,clamp it down on the needle that's this,part right here it's going to stay it's,not gonna go any further in other words,as soon as I release the valve all,that's going to happen by tightening,this up is you're gonna put more tension,on the spring which in turn might be a,bad thing if there was a little bit of,play right here I think he might,remember yesterday I was saying,something about I might accidentally,push forward on this lick listen if it,wasn't already all the way forward and I,was a push forward on it and the,chucking nut was locked down on the,needle it could force the tip of the,needle you know into the hole of the,nozzle and enlarge it using a lot of,words here to say something that's,actually quite simple so anyway yeah,that's what I wanted correct it doesn't,matter if this is all the way in or not,screwing this all all the way in only,makes the spring the tension of the,spring very noticeably tighter,so I'm thinking that in in all,likelihood it probably would be a good,idea not to have it all the way and just,just you know just just keep it just,just enough to move the needle anyway I,just wanted to correct that so I'll bet,you some of you can remember having read,to this in yesterday's comments,very gently now,and yes when a pig does have emergency,vehicles okay,I'm not gonna do this too tight just,probably two three times tighter than,they do with my fingers,that's probably why this little wrench,is kind of short keeps you from you know,putting a lot of torque on there very,very gently I'm holding this extremely,loosely so if it's not lined up I'm not,gonna bend anything,it's not the right way yeah,okay,now what I've done with this I could,probably screw it in another,excuse me another quarter of an inch but,I'm just gonna take it in Oh,so that it sort of just disappears and,that's feels about right I'm just gonna,make sure that the lever is all the way,to the front now if you remember we've,cleaned this off nice and clean,now doing it this way actually does,lubricate the packing screw a lot better,than doing it my way and actually that's,kind of important I would go on the,force anything here you know what maybe,I should put the nut on it'll be a lot,easier to get it started,keep it loose,whoops holding it so loosely not really,holding it okay now,we're just gonna well you won't be able,to see it but I'll be able to feel it,now that should be it,yeah not pushing just I just stopped as,soon as I felt it okay but the macro,lens on we'll check this again,well we got a problem if I don't run,this in at least the distance of those,threads I can't get this handle on at,least a I know I don't need to worry,about you know hurting anything this is,already locked in place see if that's,enough,yeah that feels about right you tell us,come up against the o-ring Oh like I,said we'll put the macro lens on and see,what we can see here,looks okay to me I cannot see any reason,that way they shouldn't paint its,squeaky-clean new nozzle yeah I think,I'm gonna go to the hobby store and get,some more paint well I'm back and it's a,beautiful day here I didn't even need,the air conditioner in the car okay so I,got three whites and one black I got,this black left over from the last trip,out there I think I should be able to,mix up all the grand winner need now for,the rest of the build and if I you know,if I didn't if I don't have enough well,good thing this stuff's not expensive,I'm mixing up my new batch of light grey,here and I think it's pretty close I,won't know until it's dry anyway while,I'm doing that I get my mailbox Scrabble,and I go on open it and I've got a,little package here whatever's in it,it's a little bit on the heavy side at,least heavy for the size of the box so I,think tomorrow we're among other things,as well as trying out this paint we're,gonna have a package opening,yeah anyway getting kind of late here,they're just getting kind of long so,thanks for watching all being well we'll,see you tomorrow,


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